常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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新しいアトラクションの登場です。a new menagerie: The SeaGlass Carousel opens to the publicの箇所,なにかをもじっていますが,なんでしょうか。bookmarkこうのさんどうぞ。(Kawada)

New York Today: An Underwater Carousel

Good morning on this murky Thursday.

Let other parks have their carousels of dancing horses, galloping around in an endless circle.

Today, the Battery gives us a new menagerie: The SeaGlass Carousel opens to the public.

Inside a glass pavilion, not unlike a fish tank, are 30 fiberglass fish, ranging in size but every one large enough to hold both an adult and a small child. They whirl and spin in a panoply of riotous color, all accompanied by music.

The experience sounds a little overwhelming.

David W. Dunlap, a columnist and critic for The Times, spent some time riding the carousel.

He liked it.

“Just to be sure, I tried SeaGlass a half-dozen times one evening last week before I was finally talked off the ride by adult supervisors,” he writes.

But the carousel’s path to the Battery was not exactly straightforward.

The idea for it arose after the Sept. 11 attacks, which darkened and devastated the city.

The carousel seemed a joyful way to resurrect a neighborhood in chaos, but it was stymied by Hurricane Sandy.
Almost three years later, it’s here.

So try taking a ride under the sea … kind of.

The carousel will operate from 1 p.m. to midnight today, its opening day. Thereafter it will be open daily from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., every month except January and February. Rides cost $5.
