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Festive drink drive campaign by police force branded 'over-zealous' after 11,000 motorists were breathalysed but just 45 were found to be over the limit

A Police force has been branded 'over-zealous' after it breathalysed nearly 11,000 motorists in the run-up to Christmas – but found just 45 were over the drink-drive limit.

Pressure group the Alliance of British Drivers described the festive campaign by North Wales Police as being like 'stop and search in the street without reason'.

Spokesman Roger Lawson said: 'They're pulling people over and breathalysing them when there's no evidence of them consuming alcohol.'

A North Wales Police spokesman said: 'Despite the warning that we would be out, about 45 motorists have been arrested. If convicted, each could face disqualification for at least 12 months.'

The force stepped up their patrols as part of the on going Operation Sodium Campaign. 

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2888635/Festive-drink-drive-campaign-police-force-branded-zealous-11-000-motorists-breathalysed-just-45-limit.html#ixzz3NBI4fxep