常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

bubble up

bubble upには「〈液体が〉泡立つ, 沸騰する」という意味の他に,辞書には「〈感情事実などが〉あらわになる; ふつふつと沸きおこる」という意味がありましたが(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館),giggleに対してbubble upのような動詞が使えるのですね。ここでは「漏れる」あたりでしょうか。
よって本文のA few giggles bubbled up from gaptoothed facesは「まだ歯の生えそろわない口元からちょっとした笑い声が漏れる」と解釈できます。
ちなみに見出しのfood of learningは以前にブログで採り上げられたfood for thoughtと意味は同じです。(Koyamamoto)

cf. http://d.hatena.ne.jp/A30/20101010/1286690220

School Finds Music Is the Food of Learning
At Voice Charter School in Queens, Students Have Outperformed Their Peers Academically
The principal, unsmiling in his jacket and tie, launched himself into the air, jumping up and down at the back of the gymnasium, waving frantically at more than 100 first graders as they rehearsed for their holiday concert.
Franklin Headley, the principal, was bouncing around to prepare the children for a room full of grinning, waving adults who would come to watch them perform the next day, and he asked the students not to wave back. A few giggles bubbled up from gaptoothed faces, but the students, partway through a cheery rendition of “I’ve Got Rhythm,” kept on singing.
Calendars are awash this time of year in holiday-themed pageants, but the mainly straight-faced students crooning in that gym are much better prepared for the season than most. They are pupils at Voice Charter School in Queens, where students learn to read music, execute complicated harmonies and play a little piano in the music classes they attend at least once a day, and where, far more than in other general education schools, they learn to sing, sing, sing.