常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


 破産申請と遺言にどのような関係があるのか悩みましたが,申請が行われると,受託者が資産を管理・運用します。会社が破産すると,企業の財産の精算が行われるため,債権者や株主に分配が行われます。分配前に勝手に彼らが債権の返済要求をして,会社財産を取り合うことがないように管理人が必要になります。このような管理人の役割を"probate court"が行うのではないかと推測しました。(Ume)

Danish ship fuel supplier OW Bunker goes bankrupt

The world's largest ship fuel supplier, OW Bunker, has filed for bankruptcy after alleged fraud.

The company's troubles came to light earlier this week when it discovered suspected fraud by senior employees in a Singapore-based subsidiary.

OW Bunker is Denmark's third-largest company and supplies 7% of the world's bunker fuel, used in shipping.

Shipping lines were trying to find alternative suppliers in the wake of the news late on Friday.

The company owes 13 banks $750m (£472m) and says it cannot survive without new credit.

OW Bunker's chairman, Niels Henrik Jensen, said in a statement: "It is now clear that such facilities will not be made available. Nor is a sale as a going concern a realistic option."

The bankruptcy filing was lodged in the probate court in Aalborg in northern Denmark.


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