常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

get the rub of the green



Tim Cahill hits out at referee and Chile players after Socceroos defeat

With Australia so close to snatching a point, Cahill was clear in his mind about how the match was lost.

“In the end, it’s disappointing. I thought that we possibly showed them too much respect in the first 15 minutes. Once we realised that we had to get in their faces, and put a bit more pressure on, they started to weather a bit,” he said. “Overall, I’m really proud of the boys and their performance. This time last week we were talking about how we were going to create chances. We created the chances tonight but unfortunately, everything seemed to go their way.

“We didn’t get the rub of the green at all tonight. It’s frustrating because little circumstances in the game could have been different, especially when you’re out there and you can feel that the tide was starting to turn in our favour.”


get the rub of the greenはゴルフから来た英国のイディオム。これは「運をつかむ」という比喩的な意味で用いられます("if you have the rub of the green, you have good luck, especially in a sports competition"--Cambridge Dictionaries )。

ここのrubはグリーン上の「こぶ」や「障害」(cf. That's the rub. --ハムレットだった?)という意味です。そのためにボールがねらったコース通りにいかなかったり,思わずカップをなめてしまうなど不測の事態が起きます。そういうこともひっくるめてthe rub of the greenを「運」「神の為せる技」と,とらえるようになったのです。同じ芝の上で勝負するスポーツだからでしょう,このイディオムが同じgreen上でプレイするサッカーにも転用されたのは納得。なお,用例をちょっとググると(適当な検索ですが…),パッと見では,否定形で使われることが多い印象を持ちました。(UG)