play favorite#3
タイトルが,お金と幸福の関係についてとあるので,心理的なテーマかと最初は思いました。しかし,記事を読んでいくと,大部分の内容は,会社でもらっている給料の金額を隠さないほうが良いというものでした。記事の名で気になった単語は"play favorite"です。SPACEALCによると「えこひいきをする」という意味でした。給料を開示するによる効果は,部下の評価を行う上司がお気に入りの部下に対するえこひいきを防止できるとあります。他にも,職員が賃上げを要求する機運を高めることになることが根拠としてあげられていました。
The secret link between money and happiness
Several LinkedIn Influencers weighed in this week on why salaries shouldn’t be secret and just how much money brings happiness. Here’s what two of them had to say.
Felix Salmon, senior editor at Fusion
“Very few people like to talk about how much money they make — especially not people who earn a lot of money,” wrote Salmon in his post Why Salaries Shouldn’t Be Secret, in the wake of news that recently-departed New York Times editor Jill Abramson had started asking questions about the pay discrepancy between her and her predecessor. “Since companies tend to be run by people who earn a lot of money, the result is a culture of silence and secrecy when it comes to pay.”
There are several surprising reasons “secrecy surrounding pay is generally a bad idea for any organisation,” Salmon wrote.
“For one thing, secrecy about pay is bad for women, who are worse at asking for raises than men are. If men secretly ask for raises and secretly get them, while women don’t, then that helps to explain, at least in part, why men end up earning more than women,” Salmon wrote. “Secrecy around pay is also a great way to allow managers to — consciously or unconsciously — play favorites with their staff.”