日本ではCHAGE and ASKAのASKA容疑者が覚醒剤取締法違反(所持)容疑で逮捕されたことが世間を騒がせていますが,同じく大麻関連で記事を1つ。
マリファナを栽培して密売するゲームWeed Firm をAppleがapp storeから削除しました。「雑草」という意味のweedには「タバコ」や「大麻,マリファナ」を意味する用法があります(『プログレッシブ英和中辞典』小学館)。(Koyamamoto)
Apple removes weed dealing game from app store
The rules on marijuana are blurry, even in the virtual world.
The makers of a game called Weed Firm says Apple removed the app from the iTunes App Store this week after hitting No. 1 on the store's download charts.
In Weed Firm, players walk in the shoes of pot dealer Ted Growing through his "vicious and lawless career," growing marijuana plants and selling pot while dodging "crooked cops" and "dangerous gangsters." You may even be tasked with paying a stripper to give a lap dance.