常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

sit out #5

先ほどのゼミでも触れたのですが、「ハーフ ハーフ」の浅田真央選手は「ザ・アイス〜真夏の氷上祭典2014」の開催記者会見に出席、来季は休養する意向を明らかにしました。

区切りをつけることができないのは彼女だけの問題ではなく、取り巻く「大人の事情」も見え隠れするようですが、ともかくも「休養」はsit outだなと思っていたら、ちゃんとそういう記事がありました。このPVについてはブログでも何度も扱いましたので、そちらを見て下さいね。(UG)

Asada to sit out figure skating competitions in favor of ice shows

Japanese figure skating world champion Mao Asada will sit out competitive figure skating next season but will take part in potentially lucrative commercial ice shows in the coming months, a report said Monday.

Asada won her third women’s world figure skating title in March before a roaring home crowd, springing back from a disappointing result at the Sochi Olympics in February.
The day after her victory, Asada said she needed more time to decide when to retire from competition.

“What I feel is that I need some rest now,” the 23-year-old told reporters during an exhibition after the season-closing world figure skating championships in Saitama near Tokyo.
Asada, the runner-up to South Korean star Kim Yu-Na at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, has kept her fans and skating officials in suspense by saying she had a “50-50 chance” of continuing to compete after this season.




