hot air#2
ロシア側がウクライナからの独立を望んでいる親ロシア派に対して,独立のための国民投票を延期するように求めました。プーチン大統領は,投票の延期期間にウクライナ暫定政府と歩み寄りのための対話を行うことを示唆しております。しかし,ウクライナ暫定政府は,プーチン大統領の発言は信用できず,"hot air"であると主張しております。この"hot air"を『Wisdom第三版(三省堂)』で調べると「(くだけて・非難して)中身のないほら話,空約束」などという意味がありました。"hot air ballon"で「熱気球」という意味になります。外から見ると,風船部分は大きいですが,中には熱した空気しか入っておりません。このようなことから「中身がない」という意味繋がると考えました。(Ume)
Ukraine crisis: Separatists to debate Putin referendum call
Moscow has vowed to protect the rights of the largely Russian-speaking people in the south and east against what it calls an undemocratic government in Kiev.
Ukraine's interim authorities have rejected pro-Russian activists' demands for greater autonomy and sent in troops to seize back official buildings occupied by rebels.
"We respect Putin's stance," said Denis Pushilin, a pro-Russian leader in the eastern city of Donetsk.
"He is a balanced politician. Therefore we will submit his proposal to the people's council."
In Luhansk, a statement from pro-Russian groups quoted by Russian news agency Ria Novosti said: "We are putting this forward for discussion by all the people because Putin has appealed to supporters of federalisation, therefore a decision will be for all the people of Luhansk."
The White House said the "illegitimate, illegal" vote should be cancelled rather than postponed.
And Ukrainian interim Prime Minister Arseniy Yatseniuk dismissed Mr Putin's calls as "hot air".