常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


いつものごとくnet surfをしていると次の記事が目に留まりました。

Last Bohemian Turns Out the Lights

Clayton Patterson, Rebel and Photographer, Plans to Leave the Lower East Side for Europe

At the end of March, Clayton Patterson, the outlaw artist, was sitting in the window of his storefront home on Essex Street complaining about New York. It’s something Mr. Patterson does well. He is an accomplished ranter, whose disputes with the city are numerous and varied but tend to revolve around the ruination of the Lower East Side by luxury apartments, ugly corporate chain stores, overpriced parking meters, pretentious restaurants and college students who vomit on the street.

After 35 years of these diminutions — years in which his friends have died, his favorite haunts have vanished, his drinks have gotten more and more expensive and his work has stayed unknown, at least beyond the boundaries of the countercultural hard core — Mr. Patterson had finally had enough.

Early this winter, to the shock of those who knew him, he made an announcement: He was leaving New York. This was news in what remained of the creative underground that sits below 14th Street. After all, one of the last men who could credibly claim the title of Manhattan’s last bohemian had not only decided he was quitting the city, he also figured he could find a richer existence 4,000 miles away — in the Austrian Alps.



あのBeat Generationから、感性を刺激する街へとNYC(East Side)を変貌させた立役者が彼らだったのですが、もはや刺激を得られない「住みにくい」街になったのでしょうか。Last Samuraiならぬ、Last Bohemian...。時代は変わる。(UG)

PS  BohemianといえばQueenでしょうか。
