常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

with a shrug of the shoulders


Analysis: North Korea acts up again; how should West react?

Another week, another North Korean provocation.

It might seem an understandable reaction to news Monday that North and South Korea had exchanged hundreds of shells across their western sea border. The incident occurred a day after Pyongyang had warned it was preparing to test another nuclear device, and just a week after it tested two medium-range ballistic missiles.

But should the West greet such saber-rattling with a shrug of the shoulders? After all, Western capitals have been engaging in this "dance" for two decades, since the late Kim Jong Il took over as the country's supreme leader. Is this latest round of provocations under his son and successor, Kim Jong Un, simply more of what we've seen before?

Not necessarily, argue some of those closely familiar with North Korea. They warn that under Kim Jong Un's rule, Pyongyang has shown an even greater willingness to raise the stakes, whether it be the multiple missile launches over the past several weeks, the way it stoked a crisis last spring when it announced it had ended the 1953 Korean Armistice
Agreement and moved intermediate missiles to its east coast, or its warning that foreign companies and tourists in South Korea should evacuate.


with a shrug of the shouldersはshrug one's shoulders「(両手のひらを上にして両肩を)すくめるノンバーバルジェスチャー」からの表現だと思います。このジェスチャーにはいろいろな意味(例えば困惑・疑惑・驚き・絶望・あきらめなど)を伝えますが,ここではそんなことに驚いて対応すべきかという文意でも用いられていると思います。(GP)