Spring arrives in Japan with first cherry blossoms
Spring officially arrived in Tokyo on Tuesday when Japan's weather agency announced the start of the cherry blossom season.
Forecasters watching trees at the capital's central Yasukuni Shrine said the city's first blossoms had appeared there, marking the beginning of two weeks in which Tokyo's parks, temple grounds, schools and streets will explode in pinks and whites.
Trees in Tokyo will be in full bloom in about a week's time, turning parks into huge picnic areas where friends, family and colleagues gather for sometimes raucous, alcohol-fuelled celebrations that can last for hours.
Much of the west of the country is already in bloom, while the north will see flowers as late as May.
raucous/rˈɔːkəs/は、ラテンのhoarse, husky(しわがれ声の、耳障りな)に由来し、そこから"behaving in a very rough and noisy way"(Webster)を描写するときに用いられます。記事の方は「どんちゃん騒ぎ」の意味でしょう。
PS その講演ですが、各自治体の教委やそのほか民間の方々からお誘いをいただいております。感謝しております。学科長職とのバランスを考えながらお返事をしますが、お引き受けできない場合も多々あろうかと存じます。あらかじめご諒解いただけると幸いです。