Police fire at fleeing driver after he rams patrol car
Police fired shots at the driver of a stolen car as he rammed a patrol car in a bid to escape in Osaka on Monday morning.
According to police, the incident occurred at around 1:20 a.m. in Abeno Ward. TV Asahi quoted police as saying that a patrol car had stopped the car to question the driver after noting that the license plate was that of a car reported stolen.
Inside the car were a 22-year-old man at the wheel and a 26-year-old woman. When an officer tried to question the man, he started to drive away, hitting the officer and then the patrol car a few times as he tried to get clear. Another police officer opened fire, hitting the driver. Five other police officers were injured in the incident, TV Asahi reported.
記事の見出しにある”fire”が気になりました。Wisdom英和辞典(第三版)』(三省堂)で調べると,”fire at”で「(に向けて発砲する)」という意味がありました。火薬を発火させて球を打ち出すのでこの単語を使うのではないかと思いました。(Ume)
以前掲載された記事では"fire back"で「撃ち返す,非難する」という表現が取り上げられております。
fire back - 田邉祐司ゼミ 常時英心:言葉の森から