常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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日本英語音声学会(EPSJ)関東支部特別講演会 早稲田大学共催

日時: 平成25年11月22日(金)18:00 - 19:30
会場: 早稲田大学早稲田キャンパス)16号館 4階 409教室
受付 17:40 -
住所:〒169‐8050 東京都新宿区西早稲田1−6−1
実行委員長(関東支部長) 松坂 ヒロシ(早稲田大学


講師: Dr Geoff Lindsey
Honorary Lecturer, University College London
President, English Speech Services

演題: The phonetic use of the self: the Alexander Technique and accent

講演内容: The teaching of practical phonetics and of new accents is challenging for both students and instructors, since it is not simply about adding new information to the student’s mind. Rather, it involves overcoming established habits of pronunciation which are due to the pupil’s first language and to mistaken assumptions about how the new sounds should be pronounced.

F. Matthias Alexander (1865-1955) was an Australian actor who suffered vocal problems and, in order to correct them, gradually evolved a general technique for overcoming ineffective habits of body use (the ‘use of the self’). The Alexander Technique is now taught around the world as a treatment for a various symptoms and as a form of self-development. I myself have recently taken Alexander lessons to combat chronic phonatory (voice quality) problems which had not been remedied by conventional speech therapy.
Not only has the Alexander Technique improved my own phonation substantially but it also provides fascinating parallels to the techniques which I use in teaching students to develop new habits of pronunciation. This lecture will explore these parallels.

講師紹介: Dr Geoff Lindsey holds a BA (1st class) from UCL and a PhD from the University of California, Los Angeles. He has taught at London (UCL and City), Edinburgh and Cambridge Universities, and his publications include research on American and British dialects. He was a contributor to the Kiel revision of the International Phonetic Alphabet, and a consultant phonetician for the Concise Oxford Dictionary on CD-ROM. He also holds the Trinity College TESOL Certificate. In addition he is an experienced forensic voice analyst. He specialises in teaching English pronunciation to a wide range of students, actors and professionals. He also has wide professional experience of TV and film as a writer and director.
Website: http://www.englishspeechservices.com/

Dr Lindsey’s Talk 20131122.pdf 直