常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


記事中のsubparはその形から連想できるようにゴルフから転化された表現で、「パー以下」(below par)つまり「標準以下」("Being of less than a traditional or accepted standard"--LDOCE)を指します。ここはtasteを修飾する形で副詞的に用いられ、「室温ではいつものコーラの感じがしない」という意味を表しています。もちろんsubpar performanceやsubpar productsなどと形容詞としても用いられます。(Haramii)

Special edition Coca Cola made with Okinawan water

Our reporter was strolling through Ginza one afternoon and found herself in an Okinawa specialty goods store. As she was browsing through the aisles, she couldn’t help but notice a brightly colored can of Coca Cola with a red shisa (lion dog) printed on the front. Upon further inspection of the can, she realized that she had stumbled upon Okinawa Coca Cola, made with the waters of Okinawa. How would this special Coke taste? She just had to buy one and find out.

She first had to go home and put the Okinawa Coca Cola in the fridge. The suspense was killing her, but the Coke was bound to taste subpar if she drank it at room temperature. Once the can was chilled, it was time for the taste test.

She took her first sip and…it tasted just like normal Coke. It was definitely refreshing, but wasn’t different than any other Coke she’d had. Doubting her tastebuds, she took a few more gulps, but the Coca Cola made with water from Okinawa just tasted like plain old Coke.
