to speak volumes #4
ブログで何度も取り上げられてきたspeak volumesですが、またまた今度は捕鯨禁止関連の裁判で登場しましたので紹介しておきます。
復習程度のことですが、speak volumesは文脈によって「(…にとって)大いに意味がある, (…を)証して余りがある, (…を)雄弁に物語る」などととられることができますが、わたしにはLDOCEの定義と例文、"if something speaks volumes, it clearly shows the nature of something or the feelings of a person: What you wear speaks volumes about you."が一番わかりやすく思います。(Nat)
Sharp rebuke for Japan as Dreyfus appears in whaling case
Federal Attorney-General, Mark Dreyfus, QC, has sharply dismissed a Japanese claim that Australia is on a crusade against Japan over whaling before the International Court of Justice.
Mr Dreyfus, appearing before the court in The Hague, said the claim was untrue and offensive. "It speaks volumes for the weakness of the Japanese case," he told the court.
Japan opened its defence of the case to halt its Antarctic "scientific" whaling with a suggestion that Australia was attempting to use international law as an instrument to impose its cultural preferences.
Mr Dreyfus told the court in The Hague early on Wednesday (Australian time) that he could only assume the claims were an attempt to deflect attention away from the true nature of Japan's whaling program, known as JARPA II.
"This case is not about civilising missions or whether the Australian public like or dislike the consumption of whale meat," he said. "This case is about one country's failure to comply with its legal obligations not to conduct commercial whaling."
Australia has told the court that the JARPA II program is commercial whaling, banned by the International Whaling Commission, but cloaked in the "lab coat" of science.