常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

give peace a shot/chance

緊張の高まる日中関係にまずは平和的な解決のための模索をという論調のエッセイです。見出しのgive peace a shotはジョンレノン、オノヨーコの"Give Peace a Chance"(「平和を我らに」)のもじりですね。

先生が映画「PEACE BED アメリカ VS ジョン・レノン」を教材に使われたときに、これこそ英語のロジックが凝縮した言い回しだとおしゃって、"All we are saying is give peace a chance..."という歌詞をみんなで歌ったことを思い出しました。(EnDough)

China, Japan should give peace a shot before fulfilling ‘Top Gun’ fantasies

The Nobel Peace Prize committee probably isn’t expecting great things from Shinzo Abe or Xi Jinping, the new leaders of Japan and China.

Quite the opposite, most likely. Chinese warships pointing missile radar at a Japanese naval vessel in disputed waters is the latest reminder that officials in Beijing and Tokyo aren’t giving peace a chance.

Prime Minister Abe is increasing cash-strapped Japan’s defense spending for the first time in 11 years, hardly a good sign as these things go. Neither is Xi’s vow not to budge on China’s sovereignty claims once he assumes the presidency next month.

The leaders of Japan and China need to put domestic politics aside and take one for Team World Peace. Abe and Xi could do this by announcing a summit to head off the growing risk of military conflict in Asia.

No one expects either government to cede claims on a group of islands that Japan calls Senkaku, China calls Diaoyu and Taiwan calls Tiaoyutai. This would be a deal to agree to disagree on the validity of who owns what in the East China Sea.

Some kind of face-saving pact is needed to keep two of the world’s three biggest economies from coming to blows and dragging the U.S. into the scuffle, too.
