常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


「恋愛禁止」の鉄則は"No dating"がBBCでは使われています。” to have a romantic relationship with someone”とLDOCE定義されているdateを使って簡単に表しているでしょう。一方、Japan TimesではNo datingを使わずに、” members are contractually forbidden to have any kind of romantic relationships”と文章で説明していますね。

また博多に「移籍」したメンバーについて。「移籍」はわたしはtransferなどを思い浮かべますが、Japan Timesでは”exiled”(「追放された」)で表現しているのも面白いと思いました(相手の男性がexileの弟分バンドだから?)。「移籍」という表現も”exiled”という表現も引用符の用いられた表現ですが…。(Minnesota)

A sobbing Minami Minegishi apologised to her fans and said she did not want to leave the band AKB48, in the video seen by millions on YouTube.
The production company behind AKB48 said Minegishi, 20, had failed to abide by its cardinal rule - no dating.
But fans have defended her, saying she is entitled to a normal life.
Head shaving is a traditional form of showing contrition in Japan.


Japan Timesより
In Japan, the cutting of hair is often symbolic of a new start, or in more extreme cases of penance. The destruction of sexuality inherent in shaving it completely back, however, brings to mind more the humiliations inflicted by the French Resistance on women accused of sleeping with the occupying Nazi soldiers during what they called the épuration sauvage or “wild purge.” Minegishi’s only crime, however, was having a boyfriend.

AKB48′s members are contractually forbidden to have any kind of romantic relationships and they are punished if they do. Last year, member Yuka Masuda was forced out of the group under similar circumstances, while Rina Sashihara was “exiled” to Fukuoka-based sister group HKT48 (after another tear-stained apology to fans) when an ex-boyfriend revealed details of their relationship.

What is happening here is that the protection of fans’ fragile fantasies automatically trumps the basic human right to a life outside that fantasy framework. Though as lawyer Hifumi Okunuki pointed out in a Japan Times article on Jan. 22, such an arrangement is probably illegal under Japanese labor laws.