both sides of the aisle
Senate Confirms John Kerry as Secretary of State
WASHINGTON — The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Senator John Kerry as secretary of state, filling a key job in President Obama’s second-term national security team.
The nomination was approved by a vote of 94 to 3.
Mr. Kerry, a Massachusetts Democrat who has served in the Senate since 1985, had strong support on both sides of the aisle. Earlier in the day, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the panel he has led for the past four years, gave his nomination unanimous approval.
Mr. Kerry, 69, will succeed Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose last day at the State Department is Friday.
both sides of the aisleは文脈からわかるように「上下両院」ということで(米議会は通路をはさんで上院と下院に分かれる構造)、これは先生から教わった表現ですが、この言い回しが閣僚人事で用いられるときには、unanimous approvalと言っても差し支えないそうです(事実、記事にはそういう記載がありますね)。それだけKerry新国務長官の人望は厚いということです。(GP)