常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

taste bud(s)

宅配ピザの「ドミノピザ」が神戸牛を使用した5800円の高級ピザ「神戸ビーフステーキピザ」の販売を数量限定で始めました。taste bud(s)は文字通り「味蕾(みらい)」(『新英和中辞典』研究社)という意味の単語。国語辞典ではこれを「脊椎動物の味覚器。主に舌の粘膜の乳頭に分布する,花の蕾状の器官。頂部の小孔から味の刺激を受け,味覚神経に伝える」(『大辞泉小学館)と説明しています。また英英辞書ではone of the small parts of the surface of your tongue with which you can taste things(LDOCE)とありました。tickle(快く刺激する)やtantalize(…をじらして苦しめる)という動詞と共に押さえておきましょう。(Koyamamoto)

The king of pizzas? We sample Domino’s pricey new luxury pizza
TOKYO — Domino’s Pizza, one of the world’s most well-known home delivery pizza services, has recently released a new luxury pizza in Japan - an exclusive to the pizza fast food market.
Priced at 5,800 yen, however, you’d be right to think twice before parting with your cash; after all, this is essentially just a circle of baked dough with fancy toppings. Sure, after piling all of your favorite toppings onto a pizza pie, one might hit the 5,000 yen mark, but a large-sized pizza starting at 5,800 yen?!
This had better be something very special…
Regardless of price, if the product adequately tickles the taste buds, I’m sure none of us will complain. On the other hand, if it’s the same as chewing on a piece of cardboard, or is no different from a low-price frozen pizza sold at a local supermarket, even the most optimistic of us will be left frowning with displeasure, and on this occasion considering the price maybe even going so far as to boycott Domino’s Pizza entirely.
Curious food fanatics that we are, the RocketNews24 team plucked up the courage, pooled our New Year’s money and placed an order for one of the pricey new pizzas! Here’s what we thought.
Domino’s beef-infused offering is officially known as the “Kobe Beef Steak Pizza” on its menus. As many of you may be aware, Kobe is a city renowned for high quality, highly priced beef. As well as featuring Kobe beef endorsed by a dedicated organization that promotes its circulation, the pizza is topped with potato, onion and deluxe steak sauce. I’m salivating as I write this, so I can only imagine the rest of you moaning with sudden pangs of hunger.
The use of first-rate beef creates high expectations, but just how much can a pizza tantalize the taste buds? Moreover, can it really justify the hefty price tag?