常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

rickets/put bluntly/leaflet


Cheap vitamin D 'would boost health'

Greater access to cheap vitamin D supplements would improve the health of at-risk groups, experts say.
The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) says up to 25% of UK children are vitamin D deficient, leading to a rise in rickets cases.In the BBC's Scrubbing Up column, the college's Prof Mitch Blair called for concerted action to tackle the problem.The government said those with the greatest need already received free supplements.
The RCPCH said other options to increase vitamin D levels, such as fortifying a wider range of foods, should be considered.
Half of the UK's white population, and up to 90% of the black and Asian people in the country are thought to be affected by vitamin D deficiency.
The first signs of deficiency include muscle and bone pain as well as swelling around the wrists and ribs.
A lack of the nutrient is linked to a higher incidence of diabetes, tuberculosis, multiple sclerosis as well as rickets - a disease that causes bones to become soft and deformed.The number of cases of rickets has been rising, from 183 in 1996 to 762 in 2011.
'Short supply'
Writing in Scrubbing Up, Prof Blair said: "Vitamin D can be found in some foods such as oily fish, eggs and mushrooms - but only 10% of a person's recommended daily amount is found naturally in food.
"Put bluntly, eating more fish and getting out in the sun a bit more won't make much of a difference to your vitamin D levels."

The RCPCH is also calling for a public awareness campaign to raise awareness of the warning signs of vitamin D deficiency and how to prevent it, and more research into the link between vitamin D deficiency and bone disease.It says this is needed to help investigations into bone injuries in children.

Prof Blair added: "The government's Healthy Start programme provides vitamins free to low income families and 'at risk' groups. "But these vitamins appear to be in short supply and uptake is low. Ensuring people are aware they're available is crucial."
The college is to produce leaflets in a bid to raise awareness of vitamin D deficiency among the profession.
In addition, the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) is looking into proposals for further fortification of food and drink, as happens in countries including the US, Canada and Finland.


ricketsは「くる病」という病気の名前で、「<米>単数扱い;<英>単数・複数扱い」だそうです。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)
確認ですが、diabetesは「糖尿病[単数扱い]」、tuberculosisは「結核、肺結核」、sclerosisは「硬化症」です。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)

put bluntlyは「ずばり[あからさまに・単刀直入{たんとう ちょくにゅう}に]言えば」(英辞郎on the web)という意味です。

またleafletについてですが「小さな葉、若葉」の他に、ここでは「(広告の)ちらし」という意味で使われています。動詞では「(場所で)ちらしを配る」になります。(『ジーニアス英和辞典 第3版』大修館)
