常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

pushed a man into the path of a subway train

この記事で今更ながらになるほどなぁと思ったのが,pushed a man into the path of a subway trainという箇所でした。ホームから線路上に突き落としたわけですが,pushはいいとしても,線路上がthe path of a subway trainとpathと表現されています。またintoで,ホームから線路上というニュアンスが出るわけで(ontoもいいと思いますが),これも発想的には思い浮かばない前置詞です。 (UG)

As Victim’s Family Grieves, Suspect Is Charged in Subway Killing

The police charged a 30-year old man with murder on Wednesday, saying he pushed a man into the path of a subway train on Monday. Friends and relatives of the victim, meanwhile, struggled to understand both the crime and gruesome images from his final moments, captured by a freelance photographer who happened to be in the station during the attack.

The suspect was identified as Naeem Davis, who performed odd jobs for vendors around Times Square and who the police said had no fixed address. He was taken into custody by the police Tuesday afternoon on 50th Street and Seventh Avenue, a block from an entrance to the subway platform where the police say he pushed Ki-Suck Han of Elmhurst, Queens, onto the tracks. Mr. Han was struck and killed by a Q train that arrived moments later.

“After they saw this photo, they couldn’t sleep,” the Rev. Won Tae Cho said of Mr. Han’s wife and daughter during a news conference at Faith Presbyterian Church in Maspeth, Queens, on Wednesday afternoon as both women sat nearby. “They stayed at my home. It is difficult to see them. It was traumatic.”
