常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

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Jul 4, 10:15 PM EDT

Many Americans have throwback Fourth without power

Associated Press

MOUNT VERNON, Va. (AP) -- George Washington never had air conditioning, but he knew how to keep cool: a mansion with lots of windows elevated on the banks of a wide, rolling river and lots of ice cream, maybe with a little brandy.

It was a little like the old days without electricity Wednesday, as the nation's capital region celebrated Independence Day the better part of a week into a widespread blackout that left millions of residents sweltering in 90-plus degree heat without air conditioning. Utilities have slowly been restoring service knocked out by a freak storm Friday from the Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic, and at least 26 people have died in the storm or its aftermath.


AP電は停電でエアコンも何にも使えない中の記念日を throwback Fourthと名づけていたのが印象的でした。(UG)