the child in the stable in Bethlehem
ローマ法王ベネディクト16世(84)はイブの24日夜、サンピエトロ大聖堂で恒例の深夜ミサを行いました。派手なイルミネーションに代表されるクリスマスの「商業化」を批判しました。この批判の英語、BBCの報道では最初はberatedでしたが、第2法ではattackになっていました。ここのthe childとは何でしょうか。Pearさん、お願いします。(ゼミ生 腰が痛いLbow-Shoulder)
Pope Benedict XVI has attacked the commercialisation of Christmas as he held the traditional Christmas Eve Mass at St Peter's Basilica in Rome. In his homily, he urged worshippers to "see through the superficial glitter of this season and to discover behind it the child in the stable in Bethlehem". Benedict, 84, used a moving platform to cater for his mobility issues. The pontiff will deliver his annual Urbi et Orbi (To the City and the World) speech in a few hours. Meanwhile, Christian pilgrims and tourists from around the world last night converged on Bethlehem for Christmas. Celebrations culminated in Midnight Mass at the 1,700-year-old Church of the Nativity, built on the spot where it is believed Jesus was born. About 120,000 visitors were in the Palestinian West Bank town, 30% up on last year, officials said.