常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。

To not be able to get~(解答)

・And for 20 minutes, parent Kevin Gipe tried to reach someone at the Reynoldsburg school and the district office for answers.
ここでのreachは「〈人〉と(主に電話・Eメールで)連絡をとる,接触する」を意味します。また,この意味でのreachの用法は“うまく連絡がとれたかどうか問題になるときに用いる”との補足説明もなされていました(『ジーニアス英和辞典』第4版,大修館書店)。I wanted to reach her with no success.のように使います。
・When his calls were sent to voicemail, he left a meeting at work early and headed to the school. While en route, he finally managed to reach a staff member.
en routeはフランス語から来た表現で,「〔…からの/…への〕途中[途上]で[from / to, for]」と明記されています(同上)。
・"To not be able to get to anybody for that long, it was very frantic," he said.
To not be able to Vは、split infinitiveと呼ばれるto付き不定詞の否定形です。orthodox grammarでは、not to be able to V~が定型ですが、近年ではto~が先に出て、そのあとにnotが続くという型が多く用いられるようになっています。prescriptiveな文法とdescriptiveな文法を論じるときに、よく例としてあげられるのがこのsplitです。
・"Parents were understandably upset, and we apologize for that," said Reynoldsburg spokeswoman Tricia Moore.
understandablyを辞書で引くと,「理解[同情]できるほど;[文修飾;通例文頭で]もっともなことだが; [後続の文を受けて]…であることは理解できる」などの意味がありました(同上)。
・The mishap occurred when one staff member was trying to train another on the system, she said.
mishap:a small accident or mistake that does not have very serious results
error:a mistake when you are working on a computer which means that the computer program cannot to do what you want it to do
mistake:something you do that is not sensible or has a bad result
・Once the message was sent, the school's phone lines were flooded. Some parents showed up to the building and were taken to classrooms to see their kids.
pour in/into:(群衆・移民など)が殺到する
pour down(批判・賛辞などが)[…に]浴びせられる
rush to:(場所への)[人の]殺到
・When administrators learned of the mistake, an automated call was sent telling parents to disregard the earlier message.
learnは普通「…を習得する,覚える」などの意味がありますが,ofが後ろに付くことによって「〔…について/…から〕耳にする,聞く,知る〔about, of / from 〕」という意味になります(『同上』)。つまりofは「間接的」なニュアンスをあたえます。
・Gipe, who has two kids at the school, understands human error. But it doesn't allay the stress of getting the message and not being able to reach someone at the school or the district office.
allay the stress:「ストレスを減らす(緩和する)」
・"I appreciate the apology," he said,
・ "but all of this was after the stress levels were punched through the roof." punched through the roof
punched through the roofですが,これは“hit(go through)the roof[ceiling]”(頭にくる,ひどく腹を立てる)のhit / goをpunchに替えた表現。(ゼミ生gacha)