credit (v), etc(解答)
だいぶ遅くなりましたが,「credit (v), etc」に挑戦します。
Troopers credit several people who stopped to help out, including off-duty firefighters from Las Vegas, a nurse and some EMTs. They helped to stabilize the victims until the 13 ambulances, from throughout Iron County, arrived to the scene.
"With an accident like this, seconds can save lives," Bauer said. "Even though it doesn't take very long for our paramedics and our EMTs to get there from Cedar, even the 30 seconds or a minute that people were sitting there working and stabilizing these people before they got there may have saved some of these lives."
次にseconds can save livesですが,これは直訳で「時間が命を救う」となります。つまり,「今回のような事故では,時間との闘い」あるいは「一刻一秒を争う」と意訳できるのではないでしょうか。
"There are many different things that we are looking at. Just like any other investigation, we just have to dot all the ‘I's' and cross all the ‘T's' until we get to the end," Bauer said.
最後にdot all the ‘I's' and cross all the ‘T's'という表現ですが,これは普通IとTを小文字にしてdot the i’s and cross the t’sの形で用いられます。アルファベットを書くところを想像してもらえればわかりやすいと思いますが,iの点とtの横棒を付けるというところから「最後の細かい仕上げをする;(極端なほどに)注意を払う」という意味があります(『スーパーアンカー英和辞典』同上)。今回の記事では「原因が解明するまで徹底的に調査する」と訳せると思います。(院生 小山本)