常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。



UG先生 昨日はお忙しい中ゼミ活動や授業に参加させていただきありがとうございました。たったの1日にも関わらず先生から貴重な、今度に役立つお話をいくつもお聞きすることができました。その中でも私にとって特に重要だと感じることを以下述べまたいと思い…


UG先生 こんばんは。ご無沙汰しております。卒業生のGomezです。いくぶん残暑もやわらぎ、過ごしやすくなってきたこの頃、いかがお過ごしでしょうか。お変わりなく忙しい日々を過ごされていることと存じます。私におきましては、忙しくも楽しい日々を過ごし…


UG先生 白金台支所4年のStone-wellです。 まず、教育実習が2週間経過しましたので、近況を報告させて頂きます。私は母校で先週の木曜日から授業をさせていただいています。英語表現を3クラス、英語コミュニケーションを2クラス担当しております。学校は大学…

Back in Japan!

Dear Dr. Tanabe, Amphibian and I came back home. I would like to look back our days in Finland. I think that we have achieved our initial goals of our survey. To be honest, a number of opinions was not enough as a professional survey. But …

Where I am

本日は湯島にある某出版社の創設100周年感謝記念会のため都内におります。宿の窓からは某大学が見えます。外泊続きでどうかなりそうです。(UG) PS 都内に入るまで中央道、4号線は13km以上の大渋滞。3連休前なのでoutboudは混み、inboundは大丈夫なは…

SSH 発表会

下関市から帰宅しました。下関西高校探求科の生徒さんたちの人文科学系から理系までを含む17件にもおよぶプレゼンを聞き、それぞれにコメントをしてまいりました。今回はinterim reportということで、確かに「半分、青い」でした。しかし自分たちで問題設定…


山口県下関市に来ています。羽田からのフライトは予想通りbumpyでした。そんななかでもFlight Attendantの方々は健気に気配りのサービスを続けていました。 同じ道を歩むことになったゼミ卒業生も彼らと同じように「空の華」となるのでしょうね。楽しみです…

Helsinki report

Dear Dr. Tanabe, Good morning. Rain and I finished our survey in Helsinki. We were able to get answers about gender gap from many Finns, and interview some Finns and Japanese living in Finland. They were kind enough to help us. Thank you s…

From Espoo

Moi Dr. Tanabe and my friends, Miki and I went to Aalto University. The school buildings were really interesting. The walls of the buildings had many holes. Some people were in the holes to spend their time as they liked. The university wa…



Helsinki report

Moi Dr. Tanabe and friends,Miki and I went to a church near our hotel. We got on a bus for 10 minutes to the church. There were two Japanese and many Finnish. A lot of church-goers helped us answer our questionnaires so we were able to get…


こんばんは。ご無沙汰しております。卒業生のBig Lakeです。残暑が続いておりますが、田邉先生にはますますご健勝のこととお慶び申し上げます。 さて、国立大大学院での生活は早くも前期が終了してから1ヶ月が経過しました。まず始めに私の現状についてご報…

My impressions on Tochigi seminar

Dear Dr. Tanabe,I would like to talk about a teacher development seminar held in Tochigi. It was the first time for me to ever set foot in Tochigi. It was a valuable experience for me. Looking back, I have two things I should reflect on.Fi…

A teacher development seminar in Tochigi

I was allowed to accompany Dr Tanabe to Utsunomiya, Tochigi, where he gave a series of talks in a teacher development seminar. It was a good opportunity for me to review my phonetic knowledge that I believe I had learned before.I have been…

Day 4

Dear Dr. Tanabe and my fellow students,As rain has already mentioned here, we attended a party! It was held by church. There were a lot of exchange students from outside of Finland as well as Finns or Suomalaiset. A hostess of the party wa…

text from Helsinki

Moi Dr. Tanabe and my fellows, As I said yesterday, Miki and I went to a pizza party. We had an excellent time there, and at the same time, received much feedback from the attendants. The table we sat had five people, including amphibian a…

message after a long, long absence


Day 2

Dear Dr. Tanabe and my fellows, Miki and I tried to get feedback from locales. Actually, however, it turned out to be a really hard work. We have to be more active. Helsinki is really beautiful but the only bad thing about it is birds. The…

Day 2 in Helsinki

Dear Dr. Tanabe and my fellow students, Hello. We have asked some people in Helsinki about our research theme; gender gap, but most locales didn't reply to our questionnaire. We may have been suspicious, probably.And we also found it very …

Nicole BMWからのlesson


Calgary report

Dear Dr. Tanabe,My days of the language school was over last Friday. I would like to explain to you two things. One is about the summer course, and the other about my new house. Let me begin by telling you about the summer course I took.Th…

Good morning from Helsinki

Dear Dr. Tanabe and my fellow students,Good morning from Helsinki. I have a lot of things to tell you by now, but jet lag is killing me! I'm so sleepy that I cannot think properly even in Japanese, to say nothing of English!But the show mu…

From Helsinki

Dear Dr. Tanabe, Good morning. I am writing this to explain more about our travel to Finland. Like we already told you that we had arrived at Helsinki at 14:40 local time. I would like to tell you about two things. First one was about the …

Arrived without any hitch

Dear Dr. Tanabe, I'm so sorry for not replying to your text. I didn't notice it. First of all, the weather in Helsinki is very comfortable, the air is fresh and clean. Locales are very very cute and cool! I want to get a boyfriend. (just k…


UG先生ご無沙汰しております。ゼミ卒業生のHageoです。長い間連絡できておらず大変申し訳ございません。 近況報告を致します。1月から新たな職場に移り、早いもので7ヶ月が経過しました。アジア圏の担当として出張にいく機会も増えてきました。どの国でも共…

message from Lancaster

ご無沙汰しております。お元気でしょうか?ランカスター大学大学院のDaisukeです。昨日、無事に修士論文を提出してまいりましたのでご報告させていただきます。先生からご指摘いただいたように、suprasegmental-based instructionの研究では大きな有意差は出…

Oyama Day 2



今日はこれ。栃木は小山市に来ています。栃木の先生方の発表は日曜日の午後。ということで2泊。Hope it will pay the price! (UG)

Two down!

Dear Dr. Tanabe,I'm very excited to tell you that I have passed the first-stage of the teacher recruitment test of yet another municipality's. I was pleasantly surprise by this because I was not really confident when I took its first round…

President is missing

今日も都内で編集会議。Koyamamotoくんが先日に続いて大活躍でした。しかしながら道は遠く、長く...。週末に学会があり、「お供に」と何かと思っていたのですが、全米ベストセラーのこれに決めました。James Pattersonは故内田康夫の作品と同様、市場に出て…