常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


drone on 復習

昨日“Deadpool”という映画を観ていたのですが、その中で気になった表現があったので取り上げます。それが“You were droning on.”という言い回しです。やり取りを見ていて推測したのは「うるさいな」といった意味でした。実際はどのような意味なのでしょうか…

New Year's Greetings

Dear Dr. Tanabe,Happy new year! I wish you all the best in 2019. I appreciate for all your help last year.My new year’s resolutions are to be healthy, to improve my English skills and to get a job. So for those purposes I will do what I am…

cache 復習

Cache of rare ‘waka’ poems written by Hirohito emergeScholars are stunned by the discovery of a trove of handwritten "waka" poems by Emperor Hirohito in his waning years, a number of which dwell on World War II and had never been seen befo…

New Year's Greetings

Dear Dr. Tanabe, Happy New Year 2019. May you have good health, lots of happiness, and a great New Year. It’s been almost a year since I became a member of your seminar. Being part of your seminar is the first thing that happened to me las…

scattershot 復習

アメリカは国防において、中国を念頭に置く姿勢を見せています。On his first working day in charge of the Pentagon, Pat Shanahan declared his focus to be “China, China, China.” But he also got a taste of President Donald Trump’s more scattersh…

demolition 復習

3.11の大地震の爪痕はまだ残されたままです。“I came back to pick up some things I need because this house is set for demolition,” Hikaru Murai, 69, said.以下省略http://www.asahi.com/sp/ajw/articles/AJ201901010014.html今回取り上げるのは、demo…

leg 復習

お正月の風物詩のひとつに箱根駅伝があります。今年はどのような結果になるのでしょうか。Toyo University sophomore Ryusei Tanaka crosses the finish line of the fifth leg of the Tokyo-Hakone Intercollegiate Ekiden on Wednesday in Hakone, Kanagaw…

cache 復習

昭和天皇が晩年、和歌を推敲する際に使ったとみられる原稿が見つかりました。Cache of rare ‘waka’ poems written by Hirohito emergeScholars are stunned by the discovery of a trove of handwritten "waka" poems by Emperor Hirohito in his waning yea…

seizure 復習

てんかんの発作が起きる予兆をスマートフォンで患者に知らせるシステムの開発が進められています。Researchers developing wearable sensor to predict epileptic seizureshttp://the-japan-news.com/news/article/0005454543見出しのseizure /síːʒɚ/ を取り…