常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


It’s a good part.


cardiopulmonary 復習

宮城県名取市のマンションで火災が発生し、部屋に住んでいた1歳と8歳の男の子が死亡しました。Firefighters found the body of one-year-old Tomoya Misawa inside. He was pronounced dead at the scene. His eight-year-old brother Takumi was found in a…

My Share on Our Visit to Utsunomiya

I observed an English class in junior high school in Utsunomiya. The teacher who is one of the mid-career teachers gave a open class. After observing her class, we discussed the pros and cons of the class. Both were the great experience to…

pithy 復習

In British journalism, the entire code of ethics for the industry was long based on a similar pithy epithet: “What will it look like in Private Eye?” While most media companies have a code of ethics, our readers, viewers, listeners and cus…

biosphere 復習

今回は英検の問題集を解いていて気になった表現を取り上げます。リーディングの問題の中でbiosphere /ˈbaɪəsfɪr/ という単語が出てきました。bioで始まっていることから、生物に関連する言葉であることはわかりましたが、sphereと聞くと球体しか思い浮かばな…

Graduation Ceremony in Nebraska

I went to the commencement ceremony that was held at Pinnacle Bank Arena yesterday. The scale of the ceremony was just stunning. A lot of students were wearing graduation gowns and caps. I wished that I could have worn one.What my friend t…

the kiss of death 復習

YouTubeでたまたまおすすめ動画に出てきたblack mambaこと元NBA選手のKobe Bryantの動画を見ていた時に気になる表現を見つけました。https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIGRCGb2RDg Kobeは幾度の怪我から復活を遂げてきたそのメンタルの強靭さでも知られてい…

trauma 復習

埼玉県警川口警察署の留置所で勾留中だった容疑者の男が死亡しているのが発見されました。Detainee found dead in cell at police station in SaitamaSAITAMA−A male detainee has been found dead in his cell at a detention center of Kawaguchi police s…

splurge 復習

クリスマスプレゼントにオススメの商品を紹介します。20 splurge-worthy gifts everyone is obsessing over this year– Our editors review and recommend products to help you buy the stuff you need. If you make a purchase by clicking one of our lin…