常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


watershed 復習

AIが描いた絵画が、約4800万円で落札されました。“I know it’s a debate that’s going on quite widely, I thought that in a way this marked a watershed — or slightly a tipping point,” he told AFP.以下省略http://the-japan-news.com/news/article/00…


今回もまたLinguisticsの授業内で紹介された単語を取り上げます。super-duperです。superとあるので意味の予測はできましたが、初めて聞いた単語だったので調べてみました。以下辞書の定義です。Oxford Dictionary of English [2th]: “《informal》《humorou…

My impression

I took part in an academic conference held at Kanda Campus, Senshu University yesterday. There were five presentations and three special talks in total. Let me tell you about two things that interested me particularly throughout the day.On…

My share about lectures in Kanda

Yesterday, I took part in a lecture program in Kanda. I learned a lot from three presentation and lectures. There were some English teachers and people connected about English education. Here is something I felt from the lectures. First of…

Spanker! 復習

知っていたつもりの単語から新たな意味を知ることができました。 今回取り上げるのは spanker /ˈspaŋkə/ です。先日キャンパス内を歩いていた際、イケイケなカナダ人美女集団が前方からやってきて、すれちがいさま彼らの会話から耳に入ってきたのが “ he (*n…

My impressions on EPSJ conference

I attended the academic conference of Practical English Phonetic Society of Japan (EPSJ) on October 27. It was my first academic meeting for a while.I listened to three research presentations and three lectures. One of the presentations wa…

My impressions of a PEPSJ conference

I participated in a PEPSJ conference held at Kanda campus of Senshu University. Let me tell you what I learned and felt. I attended some presentations, and was impressed with a talk about English communication by Prof. Honna. In his lectur…

My impression of the conference

I would like to share my feelings that I had from a yesterday’s meeting. There are two points I would like to touch upon.First, ways of presentations. As Dr. Tanabe told, active learning was so important. This was one of the ways to let at…

rancor 復習

アメリカの民主党要人や民主党の支持者に対してパイプ爆弾を送りつけたとして、フロリダ州に住む56歳の男が逮捕されました。Man held over bombs to Trump criticsThe man suspected of mailing at least 14 pipe bombs to some of U.S. President Donald Tr…

slacker 意味

以前の投稿でご紹介しましたように、Intercultural Communicationではオマーンの大学と毎週月曜日にテレビ電話で交流をしております。そしてさらに、現在introduction to the U.S. というタイトルでオマーンの学生に向けたプレゼンテーション制作のグループ…

My impressions on attending a PEPSJ conference

I would like to talk about a PEPSJ conference held on Kanda campus of Senshu University.Firstly, I took part in some academic meetings. One of them was Comparing Differences between a Native English Speaker and Native Vietnamese Speaker’s …

octagonal 復習

Visitors look at an exquisite octagonal box, decorated with shellfish inlay, amber and other materials that depict flowers and birds on the opening day of the Exhibition of Shoso-in Treasures, which is showcasing the refined culture of the…

After I attended a PEPSJ conference

Some members of Dr. Tanabe’s Seminar took part in a conference of PEPSJ on the Kanda campus of Senshu University. The conference had five presentations and three lectures, including the one by Dr. Tanabe. Through them, I learned a lot of t…


昨日は都内の学会での講演、そして今日は同じく都内で編集会議...。T書店の編集部渾身のコンソレイションはお昼の弁当でした。おいしかった! ともあれ地獄の連チャンを乗り切りました!でも、またまたたくさんの課題を抱えての帰宅。It is tough to edit a …

ethos 復習

Japanese college soccer team visits N.KoreaA Japanese college soccer team has visited North Korea to play a round of friendly matches, even as Japan and the international community apply sanctions against the country.中略Matsunami told rep…

octagonal 復習

Visitors look at an exquisite octagonal box, decorated with shellfish inlay, amber and other materials that depict flowers and birds on the opening day of the Exhibition of Shoso-in Treasures, which is showcasing the refined culture of the…