常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


give in 復習

Director Hirokazu Kore-eda has weathered criticism since his film "Shoplifters" took home the Palme d’Or at the 2018 Cannes international film festival in May.以下省略http://www.asahi.com/ajw/articles/AJ201807200003.html 今回取り上げるのは…

A HISELT conference held on a satellite campus of Senshu

Yesterday, I attended a HISELT conference which was held on a satellite campus of Senshu University. Let me tell you about my impressions about it.The conference had two presentations. In the first part, Prof. Shimo of Kinki University mad…


先日の授業でちょっとした遊びのようなものをやりました。学生が知らないであろう単語を、先生から一つずつ与えられ、各々が適当に作った定義二つと本当の定義一つの三つの中から本当の意味を当てるというものでした。 ヒントとなるのはそれぞれの定義を当て…

spooky spirit 復習

佐賀県医師協会が作成した、歯に関するPR動画が話題となっています。前略Although questions had been raised on whether having the undead and a spooky sprite represent the association was a good idea, the characters appear to be having an effect…

My impressions of the conference

I would like to talk about the HiSELT conference I attended yesterday. There were two presenters. One was Associate Professor Shimo of Kinki University. The other Professor Kawashima, Nihon University professor. First, Prof. Shimo gave us …

Sushi in Nebraska

There are some sushi restaurants near the campus. Yesterday, four of us went to one of them called “Blue Sushi”. I assumed that sushi in the center of America can't be not fresh, but it was totally different from my expectation! One of my …

My impressions on the conference yesterday

Dear Dr. Tanabe,I participated in a HISELT conference held on a satellite campus of Senshu University. Let me write about my impressions on the meeting.In the first session, Prof. Shimo of Kinki University presented her study about a histo…


UG先生 本日は、学会後の親睦会の方にお誘い頂いた上にご馳走までして頂き、誠にありがとうございました。 参加された先生方はとても気さくに接してくださり、また先生が適宜私の方にお話を振ってくださったお陰もあり、とても充実した時間を過ごすことがで…

one red paperclip

別の環境で、違う種類のEnglish showerを浴びに行く日が迫っています。ただの旅にするのも面白くないので、わらしべ長者を各地でやってみようと考えています。その内容を説明するにあたって、「わらしべ長者」そのものを英語で知っておかなければならないと…

choppy 復習

Nine US 'duck boat' victims from the same family - governorThe 17 victims who died when a tour boat sank in a Missouri lake on Thursday included nine members of one family, officials in the US state say.中略Video footage shot by a witness …

orthodontic 復習

歯の健康を保つよう呼びかけるキャンペーンでユニークな映像が用いられています。Zombie, creepy tooth fairy scare Saga children to brush their teethA zombie frustratingly tries to pick food, perhaps a piece of brain, from his teeth, while a cre…