常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


asymptomatic 復習

Swiss scientists have developed an experimental skin implant that darkens like a mole when it detects subtle changes in the body that may be an early warning sign of cancer, a study said Wednesday. 中略 “The biomedical tattoo detects all h…

bizarre 復習

海の生き物というものは実に面白いものです。気になる単語を見つけましたので紹介します。In the Gulf of Mexico, a strange creature lurks in the deep: a blood-red squid with stubby arms, missing tentacles, and a knack for swimming like a nautilu…

yield 復習

留学先のカルガリーでの2日目にして早速、以前UG先生に教えていただいた表現を見つけたので共有したいと思います。 yield といえば「産出する」「もたらす」という意味がよく知られていると思いますが、ほかにも多くの意味を持つ多義語の代表格です。この標…

patron 復習

日本の居酒屋アニメ『異世界居酒屋』が世界で注目されています。(前略)In China and other countries in Asia, anime fans can watch the series on the Bilibili video website with Chinese subtitles. In Japan, the anime is available to watch on a nu…

quackery 復習

Homeopathy is quackery plain and simple, whatever the royal family says Anyone who doubts the power of homeopathy may want, its practitioners point out, to account for an extraordinary longitudinal study involving multiple generations of o…

plunk down 復習

She was his lucky charm. But he was a wild card.After returning from a January jaunt to Atlantic City, a New Jersey man went on a wild $500,000 winning streak at the Atlantic City baccarat tables with his girlfriend at his side, but after …

paramedic 復習

サメに襲われた男性は、過去にクマやヘビにも襲われた経験のある人物でした。Shark bite victim 3 times unluckyIt was third time unlucky for a Colorado man attacked by a shark in Hawaii — as he had already been mauled by a bear and bitten by a r…

gastropub 復習

日本アニメを通して居酒屋が世界に紹介されています。The popular novel and comic “Isekai Izakaya Nobu,” which has sold a combined 1.5 million copies, has been made into an animation that was released at home and abroad on April 13 via online …

consummate 復習

米俳優のヴァーン・トロイヤーさんが49歳で亡くなりました。Mike Myers, other stars react to Verne Troyer's deathStars and fans mourned actor Verne Troyer who died Saturday at age 49.中略“Verne was the consummate professional and a beacon of…

meandering Kuroshio 復習

サンゴ礁が白化している原因は、“meandering Kuroshio”にあるようです。Meandering Kuroshio current behind coral bleaching off western Japan: ministryUnusually cold water has devastated some of the world’s most northerly coral reefs, which lie …