常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


gerrymander 復習

There are few better illustrations of this than guns in the US. A consistent majority favours stricter gun laws, and support for background checks is almost unanimous. Yet thanks to a combination of big money, gerrymandering and political …

vicinity 復習

2月25日に東京マラソンが開催されるに伴い、会場周辺では交通規制が行われます。Tokyo residents and visitors to the capital will face road closures starting early Sunday morning due to the 12th annual Tokyo Marathon. 中略 The use of drones in t…


新しい食事処が注目を集めています。Shoppers in Japan are increasingly eating at “grocerants,” the in-store supermarket eateries that first appeared in the United States, which sell freshly cooked meals made with ingredients sold on the prem…

carnage 復習

今回は、ここ1週間の中で特に気になったニュースに関する記事を取り上げます。UNSC(United Nations Security Council<国連安全保障理事会>)は、アサド政権軍による首都ダマスカス郊外への空爆激化を受けて30日間のシリア停戦決議案の採決を促しました…

brainy 復習

化学構造式をモチーフにしたアクセサリーがあるそうです。Accessories with a chemical formula look get positive reactionFor those wanting to look stylish but brainy, a designer has conjured up accessories that utilize chemical structural formu…

gray 復習

日産自動車とDeNAは「Easy Ride」と呼ばれる、無人運転車両を活用したサービスの実証実験を2週間にわたって実施することを発表しました。Nissan Motor Co. and mobile game-maker DeNA Co. said Friday that they will launch an autonomous-driving taxi s…

Tour in Italy Day 4

I stayed in Florence yesterday. I went to the Uffizi Gallery. There exhibited a lot of famous works in the museum. For example, I saw Botticelli’s works such as “Spring’”and “The Birth of Venus”. They were very famous, so, even in Japan, w…


No, Mr Trump, video games do not cause mass shootings With Donald Trump, everything old is new again, it seems. His latest effort to grapple with the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, sees him joining his fellow Republicans, such as th…


日本女子スピードスケートがメダルラッシュに沸いています。These two gold medals mark a historic milestone for Japanese speed skating. This is an extraordinary achievement worth celebrating. In the women’s team pursuit final at the Pyeongchan…


世界貿易機関は22日, 韓国が特定の都道府県による水産物の輸入を制限していることに関し, これらは不当であるとの報告書を公表しました。WTO sides with Japan over S. Korea’s fishery products banA World Trade Organization dispute settlement panel ha…