常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


senile 復習

日本人の少女が北朝鮮に拉致された事件から、40年が経過しました。Wednesday marks 40 years since a Japanese schoolgirl was abducted by North Korean agents.Megumi Yokota was 13 years old when she was taken while walking home from school in Niig…

contingency 復習

日本政府は北朝鮮からの多くの避難民の措置をどのようにするか検討しています。The government has been examining measures to deal with a large number of North Koreans escaping to Japan in the case of a contingency on the Korean Peninsula, The Y…

dress down 復習

相撲界のみならず、日本中に衝撃が走りました。Japan grapples with sumo scandal as ‘veiled underbelly’ of sacred sport exposedAccording to police, a fight broke out in a bar in Tottori where five Mongolian wrestlers were drinking in late Octo…

weed out 復習

小池百合子氏は希望の党の代表を辞任することを表明しました。Koike resigns as leader of Hope party to focus on being governorTokyo Governor Yuriko Koike speaks to reporters about the election of Yuichiro Tamaki as co-leader of Kibo no To (Hop…

clause #2

メキシコ・グアハルド経済相は15日のNAFTA再交渉にて, より厳しい審査体制を敷く新制度を提案しました。Mexico to propose stricter NAFTA reviewMexican negotiators will propose that the North American Free Trade Agreement be rigorously reviewed ev…

foe 復習

北朝鮮は、アメリカに対してあだ名を付け侮辱をしています。SEOUL--North Korean state-run media labeled U.S. President Donald Trump a “mad dog” who must apologize for his insults, while describing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as a “loyal dog” to …

swagger 復習

福島第一原発からほど近いところにある町は今でも放置されたままであり、野生のイノシシが住み着くなど、荒れ放題のようです。Wild boars roam ghost town near Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plantFUTABA, Fukushima Prefecture--Illuminated by the light of th…

play along 復習

Zimbabweans are waiting to see what steps the military will take next after seizing control of the country. President Robert Mugabe is said to be confined to his home in Harare but unconfirmed reports says his wife Grace, who was bidding t…