常時英心:言葉の森から 1.0

約10年間,はてなダイアリーで英語表現の落穂拾いを行ってきました。現在はAmeba Blogに2.0を開設し,継続中です。こちらはしばらくアーカイブとして維持します。


like two peas in a pod 復習

トランプ大統領と安倍首相にはいくつか共通点があるようです。Abe and Trump are like two peas in a pod, with much in commonJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting U.S. President Donald Trump are both famously known to enjoy a round of …

like two peas in a pod 復習

今回のトランプ大統領の来日で安倍首相は大統領との親密さをアピールするかたちとなりました。Abe and Trump are like two peas in a pod, with much in commonJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting U.S. President Donald Trump are both famou…

like two peas in a pot 復習

昨日に引き続き、ゴルフの話題です。安倍首相とトランプ大統領のゴルフに対する思いの違いが興味深いです。Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting U.S. President Donald Trump are both famously known to enjoy a round of golf, but that's ju…

like two peas in a pod 復習

安倍総理とトランプ大統領の共通点について述べられています。Abe and Trump are like two peas in a pod, with much in commonJapanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting U.S. President Donald Trump are both famously known to enjoy a round of …

a fall from grace

前回の記事でもう1つ気になる表現を見つけました。John Galliano is one of the most revered and controversial fashion designers working today. His flair for theatrics and crafting garments that push boundaries have brought him to the helm of …

keystone 復習

北朝鮮に対し、かなり強気の姿勢です。Trump says Japan would shoot N Korean missiles 'out of sky' if it bought US weaponryAbe has made resolving the emotive abductions issue a keystone of his career. The families hope their talks with Trump …

stake #2

カタール航空は6日, キャセイパシフィック航空の9.6%にあたる株を取得したと発表しました。Qatar Airways buys Cathay stakeQatar Airways Ltd. agreed to acquire a stake in Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd., a deal that would help it gain a foothold in …

accolade 復習

最も尊敬され、賛否両論のあるファッションデザイナーの1人であるジョン・ガリアーノさんについての記事です。John Galliano is one of the most revered and controversial fashion designers working today. His flair for theatrics and crafting garment…